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First DLC For IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey has been Launched


 505 Games and 1C Company have announced that downloadable content (DLC) for games, fighting World War 2 are pretty good, IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey, now available from Xbox LIVE for the Xbox360 and the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3. With this update, gamers will automatically get an additional 6 missions again in the single-player modes.

Gamers can also jump into the cockpit of a new aircraft called the American P47D. This package dibanderol with 400 MS points for the Xbox360 and U.S. $ 4.99 for the PlayStation Network.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey have T rating and released by 505 Games in collaboration with the 1C Company. This game can you get in the shops closest game for U.S. $ 49.99 (about 500 thousand dollars) in the Xbox360 console and PlayStation 3.


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