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LOTRO: Siege of Mirkwood would Month Launched in December 2009


Turbine announced that The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood, the new expansion for digital "MMO of the Year" in 2008, will be launched on December 1, 2009 in North America.

Turbine also reveals that The Lord of the Rings (LOTRO) Adventurer's Pack which contains all the items needed by the players to survive the chaos in Mirkwood, also will be launched on December 1, 2009.

Now, the players can take advantage of several pre-launch offer specials to celebrate the release of the second expansion of The Lord of the Rings:

* LOTRO lifetime membership is now available at a price of USD199.
* Update the old player or upgrade their subscription package before October 31, 2009 will get the Siege of Mirkwood for free.
* All players can order a pre-order LOTRO new Adventurer's Pack that contains two character slots and a shared storage slot that allows players to share items to all those characters on the same server for USD19.99, and get the Harbinger's Cloak containing 8% speed boost and ride Dusky Goat Nimblefoot free.
* The lifetime members who ordered a pre-order LOTRO Adventurer's Pack, will get the Siege of Mirkwood plus two in-game items (Harbinger's Cloak and a new ride) for free.


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