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NEWS more Latest Update Rose Online

In the latest update September 30, 2009, Tim Rose Online Indonesia shows; Battle Ground adding features, adding features Eldeon Clanfield, some NPC's in Indonesian text, and the NPC has been removed Punwell.

To get to Battle Ground, you have to go to Junon Polis town and talk to the NPC (Clan Owner) Burtland to be moved to Battle Ground area. In Battle Ground, you should talk to the NPC (Battleground
Staff) Cynthia, and then choose the quest you want.

As for Eldeon towards Clanfield, you must go to town Xita Refuge and talk to NPC (Raknu Resident) Netty to be moved to the area of Clanfield. Then, talk to NPC (Field Clan Eldeon Seller) Lolita to get quest and NPC (Field Clan Eldeon Seller) Joel to get the reward challenge.

For more information, look at the Battle Ground and Eldeon Clanfield.


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