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Releasing Sudokop Game 3D Adventure / RPG New, Legie.


Sudokop, independent game development studio in the Republic Ceska, announced the release Legie, a game that presents a unique combination of 3D adventure with a classic dungeon crawler, on October 6, 2009.

Legie displays a dark story of an innkeeper, beer and the devil, which took place in the medieval town in the Republic Ceska, Jilemnice.

Features contained in the Legie; dialogues are poetic, wise words, bargaining, and the dog fight. RPG without magic, elves and hobbits. No need to save the world, there is no heroism. Low hardware requirements.

Minimum System Specifications for Legie are: 1 GHz processor, 256 MB RAM, Windows 2000/XP/Vista, OpenGL Compatible 3D graphics card.


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